Jake and Karen from Brooklin, Ontario created these custom climbing and perching platforms for their cats, Suzy and Odie. The platforms are made from 3/4″ stained oak veneer plywood. Extra care went into creating the joints to make the platforms extremely sturdy (check out the close-ups below) plus they routed out the surface so the carpet tiles would sit flush. Nice details!
Each platform is 18″ long so it can span two wall studs and attach securely with L-brackets. Jake and Karen really thought through the design of the platforms, adding something enticing on each shelf. The first shelf has a sisal scratching area, plus it lines-up with the window for a great view. The second shelf has a little nook for napping, and the top shelf has a vertical scratching area. Plus it’s the top shelf, an enticing feature all on its own.
See more photos and get more details on Jake and Karen’s website.