I love these adorable handmade wool cases from Etsy seller Tokyo Inspired. Are these the cutest thing ever?
The cases are inspired by the designer’s two cats, Simba, the big ginger cat, and Kato, the little graybie. The zippered mouth lets you store pencils, eyeglasses, phones, iPods and more. There’s even a larger one for your iPad.
Available from the Tokyo Inspired Etsy shop.
OMC the different coat colors and patterns. The expressions. *WANT*
These are absolutely adorable and as charming as a kitty-cat, but I will not buy one because they are wool.
Please explain your avoidance of wool, allergic?
Wool is not a vegan product. I think that is what ann is referencing.
Wool is a very sustainable product unlike synthetics. The production of cotton and linen has environmental consequences such as the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and the soil on which cotton is grown is quickly depleted. Wool, on the other hand comes from sheep which often graze marginal land and fertilize it with their dung. Assuming the sheep are raised and sheered humanely, the production of wool is highly sustainable, environmentally friendly. Wool sheep live long productive natural sheepy lives. You’re not eating wool or lambs, so saying it’s not vegan is misusing the word and concept. I know many vegans and vegetarians who wear wool with clear consciences.
Those are so cute!
Those are so cute. I want one too.
I want one as well
You make an excellent point.
Thank you.
Are you aware that cats should not use stainless steel bowls?
Poss of chemicals in it
Love these,I want a gray kitty w/ the green eyes for my cell 🙂