These new Geo Beds from Petbitat create a sleek and stylish hideaway for kitty to curl up in. This is a brand new product, available only from
These new Geo Beds from Petbitat create a sleek and stylish hideaway for kitty to curl up in. This is a brand new product, available only from
I really hope someone who has a cat named Pea buys this. Then they can have a Pea in a Pod!
Love, love, love!!!
The pink leopard print one is fun!
these are awesome!! my cats would LOVE these!
These look so cozy-I want to curl up in one. I love the modern looks. My 5 would be ‘fighting’ over one-I wish I could afford 5 and line them up, that would be so fun. Thank you.
So am I the only one having trouble finding these at the linked website?
Just type Geo in the search box on the left. You have to click “more info” in the description in order to see the color choices etc.
I am not finding these on the linked website either.
Can’t tell from the photos how they’re constructed. Can’t understand why a fabric ball should be so expensive!
What fun, cozy kitty spaces!
my cats would love this
I have to have one of these pods. They are so cool looking. I want the leopard.
I cant find these by any traditional methods of searching on their site. I also tried the suggestion by other users mentioned here. How odd!