The Big Max pet fountain from Pioneer Pet is an attractive, easy to clean, large capacity drinking fountain that will help your cat drink more water. This is one of the largest capacity pet drinking fountains available, so your cat will always have plenty of fresh drinking water to keep her hydrated. The Big Max only has a few parts, which makes is very easy to clean.
Hauspanther review:
I have the stainless steel version of the Big Max and I like it a lot. It really is easy to clean with just a few parts and it holds enough water for multiple cats. The inner parts housing the pump are still plastic and do need to be carefully cleaned, like any fountain, and if you have hard water, it will take a little extra effort to remove the mineral build-up.
Available in black or white ceramic or stainless steel from Amazon
Less parts for cleaning is the best feature for any of these, because some cats use them
to bathe paws, which means daily cleaning.
I know how *that* is! My cat Miss Lightning will stick her paw into a fresh dish of water & scoop some out to drink from her paw, the silly girl.
BTW, is this fountain battery-operated or plug-in electric? I don’t have a convenient place to plug one in, so a similar, battery fountain would be convenient. In the future, Hauspanther, please note ower source.
The Big Max plugs into the wall.
I’m with Sheila – I have been looking for a battery-operated water fountain for years! If you know of one, please let me know.
These look really nice. Our fountain is a definite cat attractant — our calico especially loves it as she has a penchant not only for drinking the water, but also for playing with it.
Out of, I think 5, different pet fountains, this is the best one I’ve used. It may not be the prettiest, but it is certainly easy to maintain. I just throw it in the dishwasher for BIG cleaning. Better filters than most, if that’s an issue for you. But frankly, most filters main purpose is in keeping debris from the pump. I don’t obsess about some hard water marks left over after cleaning. You don’t notice unless you’re obsessive about that stuff, and it’s on the floor where a few feet away you couldn’t see it anyway. I’ve had mine for about 3 years with hard water in my area and it’s not that big of a deal. You could always use filtered water you filter at home. Original pump is still going and pretty quiet as well. To wash pumps, I just run hot water and dish soap in a coffee mug and plop in, clam-shell goes on top rack in dishwasher with fountain. When the fountain comes out of the washer, I pull it out and rinse off while taking it apart. If I’m anal about anything, it is in ensuring I rinse the pump thoroughly. You don’t want bubbles coming from the top of the fountain, do you?
I would stick with the stainless, while I haven’t had one myself, many women report the Big Max in ceramic is heavy for them… And I keep having visions of my mother dropping it. lol I’ve banged and dropped the stainless and it didn’t even dent. Like the review above said, yes the pump and clam-shell that hold it are made out of plastic, like every other fountain. But there are no plastic parts that your pet could touch or drink off of, which is of greater concern to me.
Like these for water, current one works great..but always looks cheap. Love the colors too.
With my crew, a nice big dish of moving clean water would be a source of entertainment and amusement as well as hydration.
We love our stainless version! We’ve had other fountains before, and this one cleans up the easiest by far. Of course, with any type of fountain we always make sure to clean the pump itself, too. We do this by running it in a little bowl of hydrogen peroxide. Depending on the pump, we also use small bottle brushes or pipe cleaners to remove gunk. Then we do a rinse by running it in clean water for a bit.
Looks nice but too many Amazon reviews report malfunctioning pumps.
Does it work with batteries?