
You may have noticed that things have been quieter than usual around here. If you’ve been a regular reader for a while, you know that I try to post two to three design finds a day, but lately the news has been sparse. Well, four months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m very lucky, they caught it early and it was a common and easily treatable type. I’m at the end of my treatment now and plan to get right back to business as usual as soon as my energy returns.

I took this life experience as a wakeup call to re-evaluate what’s important, and the one constant, of course, has been my cats. You can learn so many lessons from them in a time like this. They know how to relax, how to live in the moment, they don’t stress out over unnecessary things. They love you unconditionally.

I understand this is off-topic for Hauspanther, but I do also know who my readers are and, unfortunately, now knowing the statistics, I realize that many of you have already been through this or will face it in the future. It’s scary but it can also be life changing, in a good way. It forced me to make some significant changes to how I live that will hopefully keep me healthy and cancer-free for the rest of my life.

So all of this just drives home our main message here at Hauspanther, that pets enrich our lives, in both good times and in challenging times. Take a moment and spend some quality time with your furry family members, they possess more wisdom than you can imagine.