Do you have cats dancing on your bed as you try to sleep? I know I do. Well, here’s the perfect bedding for us. This black and white graphic print is available exclusively at as a duvet cover and matching pillow cases.
Thanks to Hauspanther reader Nancy for the find!
How do you know they are dancing? They strongly resemble my cats sleeping on the bed.
“Do you have cats dancing on your bed as you try to sleep? I know I do. Well, here’s the perfect bedding for us. ” You said it, Kate! Love this!
This looks absolutely gorgeous! I would like sleeping in this :-).
I love this comforter!! I have two cats and they are both black and white, they would look so cute laying on this duvet!!
I am looking for black cat sheets or just pillow cases or pillow shams. It shows you have them but I can not order them or find prices.