These stylish cat food can covers from ORE Pet can help you easily store leftovers in the fridge for serving later. Made from flexible silicone, the can covers are dishwasher safe and they’re made to fit three different can sizes. Sold in sets of two in four hip colors. Available from Amazon.
Cute, but you really shouldn’t store leftover food in the cans they came in. Those are really pricey and you can purchase several small glass or plastic containers with lids for far less.
While I agree with sivyaleah posting before us, those ARE incredibly cute, and what’s even cuter is that serving device. 😉
I have been using these for years. We love them! I have never found a can they will not cover…and our cats like to try different food quite often. I just ordered another set when we got a kitten. It is always nice to have extras on hand.
Totally adorable but where are the PINK and PURPLE covers?!? Some of we Cats are cool for BRIGHTER, more HIP colors. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………………
Food should not be stored in cans in the refrigerator–people or pet period. I buy small glass bowls with lids at Big Lots for my cats and you get can tiny glass bowls at Dollar Tree also. The lids are cute, but better to look at than use.
i cannot find evidence that it is unsafe to store opened cans in the fridge. i believe at one time it might have been a problem, but not these days.
i have these lids and they are quite nifty. the silicone is super flexible and fits 3 sizes of cans.