The new cat scratcher lounges from PetFusion are now available for pre-order on Amazon! And you can get an extra 10% off now through June 15 with discount code newpet10. Don’t miss this opportunity to save on these awesome new items for your cat!
The three new styles include the Reversible Curve Scratcher, the 3-Sided Vertical Scratcher
, and the Jumbo Cat Scratcher Lounge
. All will be shipping on June 30.
The folks at PetFusion would like to thank everyone for their feedback on the new scratchers when we did the survey and giveaway here on Hauspanther. They’d love to receive continuing feedback from you, which you can post here or as a review on Amazon, plus feel free to upload photos of your cats using the scratchers to Amazon as well.
Gorgeous and very, very cat-attractive!
I was ecstatic when Cody won his PetFusion scratcher (the large one featured on the bottom), at the Cat Style Lounge at BlogPaws! I had it shipped and it arrived a couple of weeks ago. He hasn’t used it yet (not to worry, HE WILL!) Cats use things on THEIR time schedule not ours! I love it and he will too!