This week we’re asking you to show us your litter box! We know this is an area of the home that needs extra Catification and we want to dig a little deeper (!!!) into the issue. So, here are some specific questions we have for you:
Where are your litter boxes?
Show us where in your home you keep you litter boxes and tell us a little about why you put them there?
How do you keep dogs & kids out of the litter box?
What creative ways have you found to keep dogs or kids away from the litter box?
What have you done to conceal the litter box?
Any stylish or creative things you’ve done to disguise the litter box or create privacy for your cat? How did you do it without creating an ambush zone or other problem area?
We want to know what’s working and what’s not working with your litter boxes. Remember, Catification is about making it work for BOTH the cats and the people, so keep everyone in mind!
Please complete the form below and don’t forget to upload some photos so we can see what you’re describing!
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Please note, we are in the information-gathering stage for our next book project and we’re looking for contributions from the Catification Nation Community. We will contact you before publishing or sharing publicly any project you submit. If we are interested in featuring your project in the book, we will send you a full contributor agreement that spells out all of the specific terms. At this stage we are gathering as many Catification projects as possible for consideration. We encourage you to submit multiple projects if you have more than one that fits what we are looking for. Thank you for sharing your Catification projects with us!